This Mother’s Day THE UPSIDE is celebrating Mother’s in all shapes and forms. We reached out to friends and family of the brand to gain their insights on what Mother’s Day means to them and all the lessons that come with it!


Ashlea is THE UPSIDE’s very own womenswear designer, She is a creative genius who has a love for wellness, the outdoors, and longboarding. Ash and her family live near the beach & are constantly in the water. It’s where Ash grew up and is deeply ingrained in her family’s lifestyle. Ash’s weekends revolve around sports & being her kid’s personal uber taking them to play dates & birthday parties…but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ash is a mother to her 2 spirited children River & Dusty…


Ash, you are mum on the move! Between full-time work as THE UPSIDE’s Head of Design and your kids, how do you find time for yourself and what rituals do you have to keep you balanced?

I wake up early before everyone else – the earlier & the more I can squeeze in the better!

My husband leaves super early for work so the only option I have is to work out at home.  I do Fluidform Pilates every morning whilst the kids are still asleep – I absolutely love it. I can still get a workout in & be there for when they wake. If River & Dusty are still asleep, I squeeze in 5-10 minutes of meditation. This little pocket of ‘me’ time in the morning before the crazy starts keeps me balanced & happy.


What has motherhood taught you?

So much that I could go on forever. My children have definitely made me a better person. Being a mother motivates me, knowing that everything I do is for them – they are my priority & my first & most important role is being the best role model for them. Seeing their happy sunshiny faces running to the front door when I get home from work after a long day makes it all worth it – it’s the best!!! Motherhood has also made me appreciate my own Mum more so than ever – everything she does for all of us & what she still does.


Montarna Pitt is the owner and director of public relations agency The Audience Agency, she is a creative, content creator and a mother to her beautiful daughter Parker Joan. Montarna has just announced her second pregnancy and has shared some insights into motherhood with us…


What do you admire most about your own Mum?

“I always admired my mum growing up, but I have a whole new level of appreciation for her since becoming a mum myself. The struggle is real and balancing is impossible – or at least seems like it to me at the moment. My mum was running a global business when she had me, she had my sister less than two years later and our family relocated to the States. I couldn’t even fathom undertaking such a task with two young children! To this day I’ve never heard my mum complain about that period of time, she has a real can-do attitude taking everything in her stride and making it all look effortless. And don’t get me started on her love story with my dad – they’ve been together since they were 15 and supported each other through everything, serious couple goals. Mum is happy to call in help when needed to get shit done and she’s always taught my sister and I that we can do and be anything we want as long as we work for it. Again, something I assumed everyone was told growing up, and I know it was a blessing to be raised by such a powerhouse woman. Mum set the bar very high for us but I wouldn’t have it any other way!


What has motherhood taught you?

“Motherhood has taught me SO much already. A new level of patience and perseverance, the meaning of unconditional love, and it’s turned my priorities on their head. All for the better of course.”


How do you keep your body moving and grooving during pregnancy and beyond?

“I’m coming out of a pretty testing first trimester so I haven’t been moving and grooving as much as I’d like to! I definitely get some of my daily exercises in from carrying PJ around or chasing after her. I’m an avid Pilates fan, however, haven’t felt up to attending the studio so I’ve been using BodyLove’s ‘Bodylove Mamas’ online platform to do some gentle workouts at home when I’ve felt up to it.”


Ricky Mathew is the Ray of sunshine behind some of the biggest fashion campaigns and shoots, working alongside Tori Hainey at leading talent discovery and model agency IMG. He puts a pep in everyone’s step and his sunny disposition is a game-changer. His Mother Alison Long is nothing short of fabulous, she has an infectious laugh and energy, it’s easy to see that Ricky got it from his mama.


Nadia Fairfax is an UPSIDER through and through besides collaborating with THE UPSIDE on her NF collections she is an ex-professional gymnast, a content creator, brand ambassador, a media personality, and has even featured in her fair share of films in her youth. Sharon Fairfax is a Physical education and gymnastics Teacher, a mother, a lover, and is Nadia’s no.1 supporter.


Nadia tell us a little about what makes your relationship with your mum Sharon so unique & special?

I don’t really have a “mum”, rather – I’ve got a big sister, and it’s been that way for as long as I can remember. We’re buddies, we do everything together. I’m very lucky! Apart from being a truly remarkable Mother and supporting me to no end, Shaz is a demon on the dance floor and totally kicks my butt at wrestling (yes, like most “sisters’ ‘ we’ve may or may not have wrestled a few times! haha)


Sharon, can you share with us what motherhood means to you?

It means I have a very special “little mate” named Nadia, someone to share all our experiences in life with, the good and the bad! True she is like a sister (which I didn’t have) we laugh, we cry and we party together! Nadia is an incredible daughter even though we don’t always agree on everything!


 You are both from a sporting background, Nadia has Sharon’s love for Sports and Fitness shaped who you are?

Most certainly! It’s what our dinner table conversations were about for most of my childhood – SPORT! A special mention goes out to my Dad Russell Fairfax, who was a Rooster and played for Australia in the Wallabies. Our family’s love for sport has always kept us bonded.


Julie Stevanja is a long-time UPSIDER and friend of the brand having co-founded Stylerunner, an e-commerce site focusing on fashion-forward sportswear in 2012. It was the first of its kind and set the bar for athleisure and the way we shop. We were lucky enough to have Julie and her baby boy Rio in THE UPSIDE studio for Mother’s Day…


Belinda has been a Naturopath for over 15 years and specialises in women’s health and fertility. She is the author of “Healthy Hormones”Miah has been a film and television actor for 11 years, debuting in ‘The Sapphires’ when she was only nine years old. Her latest role is starring in ‘Dive Club’, which will be released on Netflix later this year.


Belinda, what are the most rewarding moments of being a Mum?

Being in this area of work, I LOVE all things mummies and babies and I am lucky enough to have two beautiful children, Miah (19) and Ruby (16). There are so many rewarding moments of being a mother but seeing your little people grow up to be passionate, conscious, and empathic humans and watch them design their lives and follow their dreams is really special.


Miah, What do you admire most about your Mum?

What I admire most about my mum is her unbelievable work ethic. From a young age, I’ve watched my mum thrive in her career as a Naturopath, opening her own clinic, writing and selling her own book, and creating apps and digital programs. Her hard work has inspired me greatly and has shown me that success is the result of dedication to your craft. It is her work ethic that has motivated me to work hard in my own industry and never give up!


Kate Kendall is the Co-Founder & Director of Yoga at Flow Athletic, in Sydney’s Paddington and is the author of ‘Life in Flow’. Passionate about teaching the art of slowing down through yoga and meditation classes in her studio, she also gets a kick out of creating soul-expansive experiences at her Flow After Dark, Yoga Silent Discos – toured nationally. Kate is a long-time UPSIDER, a friend of the brand, and is a mother to her beautiful daughter Alice.


Kate what does motherhood mean to you and how has it transformed your life?

It shifts everything. The way I see the world, what kind of work I want to focus on, and who I spend time with. Some days I just leave her in charge and wander around the park letting her be curious; picking things up, climbing trees, and lending a watchful eye when she gets into conflict with a fellow headstrong, spirited little human in the sandpit. It’s such an honour to observe life in another little being evolve.


Can you tell us how you juggle work-life, Mum life and still manage to take time out for yourself?

It’s definitely a juggle I’m not much good at. I’m always leaning into one more than the other. For Alice’s first year and a half I was part-time at work and would come in to teach classes and catch up with the team and then take work home. Lately, however, I’ve been spending more time in the studio and it feels great. In fact, after a few hours at work I fill up on inspiration and I come home a more present and joyful Mum. I’ve also taken off on two retreats this year so I’m getting better at the whole taking time for myself thing. That didn’t come naturally at first.


Sophie is THE UPSIDE’S very own Head of Marketing and Sales and Mum to her 1-year-old baby, Francesca. Whilst she keeps everything moving and shaking at THE UPSIDE HQ she also has the task of wrangling her partner Jesse, who is THE UPSIDE’s Head of Operations, while Lottie, her fur baby is Director of Snacks and Staff Morale.

Chrisanthi Kaliviotis & Anne

Chrisanthi Kaliviotis is an UPSIDE lover, journalist, editor, copywriter, and creative consultant. She enjoys long walks on the beach, lounging in the sun, Greek food, great wine and doesn’t mind letting her hair down for a good time… She is also quite the comic and is known to have the room in hysterics. Anne is a country gal through and through! Having moved to the city a few years ago Anne has now taken on the role of Chrisanthi’s Covid Mum and has been known to welcome one and all in for a roast dinner. Anne and Chrisanthi bonded over their lack of close family around during the pandemic and their friendship blossomed into something quite unique and special.

Diane Gorgievski & Maddalena

Diane is the Owner and Creative Director of Koda Cutters in Bondi. Diane’s ambition and dedication have led her to be a regular contributor on the international and local fashion show circuit. Her “go-getter” attitude has led her to work for the most prestigious hairdressers in the world. Diane is a regular in  Paris, London, Milan, and New York since 2009 – Present, she has been an editorial stylist for over a decade and is behind some of Australias most influential editorial shoots  – her vast list of clients include Vogue, Russh, Harpers Bazaar and Elle, Dianne is a mum to her 2 beautiful children, Ale and Maddalena (pictured).


Tori is an industry leader/boss babe, working behind the scenes in production as a model booker for IMG Models, the international leader in talent discovery and model management. Tori and Harper are 2 peas in a Pod, we chatted about all things work, fashion, and family with Tori…


How has being a Mum to Harper changed your life? And what are the highlights of being a Mum?

I’ve learned to have infinite patience..! Watching Harper learn and discover the world is amazing and those moments which make her laugh are the best parts of my day.


You are always on the go and spend your days organising photoshoots and booking models for fashion brands, what is your go-to look for work these days, and how has your style evolved since being a mum?

I definitely wear more sneakers than heels these days…! I’m always running somewhere or after Harper so comfort is key ?
